Richford Road


Project Details

Location: London

Project: Single Family Home

Client: Private

Contract Value: £250,000


Project Description

A gleaming stainless steel box cantilevers over a narrow granite clad plinth and sits nestled against an existing yellow stock boundary wall. A narrow street frontage limits views, but this is countered by visual links, voids, framed vistas and a rear courtyard within the house. 

The width of the ground floor is informed by a narrow end to the site, once a taxi garage, now a courtyard garden that terminates the linear open plan living space. The 4.5m high boundary wall forms one side of the house and acts as a height limit to prevent overshadowing the neighbours. The circulation sits against this wall while the ground floor is lowered to maintain internal ceiling heights. The mono pitched first floor cantilevers to form an external entrance walkway and covered terrace. 

Despite the compact nature of the 2 bed house, space has been sacrificed on the first floor to bring natural light into the ground floor via two voids and roof lights, one over the stairs, and another over the entrance. A bridge access to the master bedroom, created by these voids either side, makes the bedroom a little more secret and tucked away in contrast to the rest of the house. A single window to the master bedroom is then positioned on this central axis to capture a wonderfully unexpected view along the canopies of the local terraced gardens. 

Overlooking is generally minimised on the upper floors by cutting away the form and having windows looking back on themselves or framing limited vistas into the external spaces and voids. 

Planning was granted on appeal with no changes to the original application.